Support and FAQs
Which medicines are in scope of FMD?
Are medical devices in the scope of serialisation?
Does the UK GTIN Product Code require 13 or 14 characters?
Does FMD apply to clinical trials materials?
If an existing licensed drug is used in a clinical trial, when would it need to be decommissioned? -
Do Dental Pharmaceuticals Companies, Dental Wholesalers or Dentists need to comply with the FMD regulatory requirements?
Do Veterinary Wholesalers need to comply with the FMD regulatory requirements?
Does the EMVS and UKNI MVS cater for Multi-Market Packs (MMP) labelled and supplied to UKNI and Ireland?
Does the Product Master Data (G101 Process) allow the software provider to differentiate between FMD and non-FMD products
If stock is transferred from one nominated site to another, does the receiving site have to conduct full checks of the stock?
Which Professional or Sectoral Registers are used to verify End User Locations?
Scanner & Software Configuration Issues
Change of Ownership
Change of Location
Change to End User Contact Details
Change of Software Supplier
How do I change my Initial Password?
Password Renewal
I have forgotten my Password. How do I reset it?
Unlock my Account
How can I prevent my UKNI MVS account being locked?
I am having a problem logging onto my FMD software. What should I do?
I haven’t used my credentials since registering and they don’t work. It’s more than 60 days since I received them.
Why is it essential to present a unique Certificate as well as a unique Username and Password?
Will the Certificate renewal email be sent to the Requestor or the Location?
Will Manufacturers and Wholesalers be able to see data on Products I have dispensed?
Will Community/Hospital Pharmacies be able to return stock to their Wholesaler or a DTP Manufacturer’s Distributor?
Who will have to Decommission Homecare Supplied Drugs?
What is the difference between Decommissioning and Verification?